Peter Brougham Wylys list of all Broughams he was able to find on the GRO index
The General Registry Office is where all Births, Deaths and Marriages are recorded in England and Wales. All births had to be registered from 1 July 1837. Along with separate registers for marriages and deaths, the three provide an invaluable resource with all Brougham's brought together. The General Register Index is a summary of all registrations and provides some basic information, which has grown over the years, that helps the geneaologist identify relatives, or locate the actual certificate themselves. The GRO indexes are freely available, historically they were published on microfiche, and then today they are being increasingly computerised on sites like FreeBMD
Peter Brougham Wyly spent many years in libraries and other institutions compiling the list of all Brougham births, deaths and marriages from the GRO Index - long before their digitalisation. This is his work and provides a good source to find Broughams in England and Wales. Initially Peter stored his findings on an old computer programme. Using a download he provided I have converted the data into a searchable Excel spreadsheet. And although many of these are now online, this remains an invaluable, easy to use Brougham resource for anyone wishing to track down their ancestors and certificates. ©2022 Peter Brougham Wyly